
Experience Prague through the eyes of homeless people

Put aside all bias about homelessness, and get yourself ready for a journey you’ve never experienced before! ‘Pragulic’ offers unconventional street tours around Prague led by homeless tour guides! The enterprise tackles the existing stigma around homelessness – by training homeless people as tour guides and providing paid employment afterwards, meanwhile giving the guides a chance to share their life story on which the tours are based. These experiences allow them to gain motivation and self-confidence, and gradually integrate back into society and seize the opportunities they were lacking in these stigmatised conditions. Beside street tours ‘Pragulic’ also offers team building activities for companies, 24 hour homeless challenge, online tours and much more. If you wish to support their noble cause even more, you can also purchase different gifts in their e-shop.

Products: T-shirts, vouchers for tours, drawstring backpacks, face masks, key rings;

Services: Unconventional street tours around Prague for individuals, groups and online; team building activities and educational programs for different audiences;

Mission: to challenge the existing stigmas and prejudices regarding homelessness, to provide support, training and paid employment opportunities to homeless people willing to change their life conditions

Impact: the enterprise offers training as tour guides and paid employment to homeless people (currently 6 homeless guides provide their tour guiding services) and challenges the existing stigmas and raises awareness regarding homelessness – in 10 years time more than 70,000 people have been on tours with Pragulic homeless staff

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Staroměstské náměstí 1
110 00 Hlavní město Praha CZ
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  • Awarness building
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • employment