Komunumo (NVO Glas)

Diversity and Inclusion, Education, Community development and mobilization, Employment

Komunumo is a digital platform for learning the language of destination country, evaluation of level of language knowledge, including the data base of all migrants with the knowledge of certain language level along with the information about their education level and working experience in order to increase the chance for their employment.

The entire work on the platform, according to importance of data privacy and application security, will be aligned with International ISO standards (ISO 27001) in order to protect our users and their information. Komunumo is currently in the phase of prototyping and collecting content for the platform itself. First version of the application is expected to be launched in the spring of 2023. In addition to Montenegrin, it would be available in English, German, Russian and Arabic language.

Mission: today, more then ever people live in country of not being born in, due to a different reasons: some because of searching for better living conditions while others trying to avoid various conflicts. UN member states adopted a set of rules, known as the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (A/RES/71/1), which acknowledges the positive contribution of migrants to sustainable and inclusive development. Although Montenegro is a transit destination for migrants characterized by the problem of “brain drain”, due to the escalation of the migrant, COVID-19 and Ukrainian crises, it is gradually transforming from a transit country into a destination country for migrants. In that case, Montenegro would face a huge and terrifying challenge – to provide all necessary conditions for the normal life of migrants. According to the results of the research we conducted on a sample of 103 respondents from 13 countries, we came to the conclusion that the problems faced by migrants in the country of destination are the language barrier, inability of employment, unresolved housing issue, inability to access local services, inability to raise children normally and cultural differences that lead to prejudice and isolation. Since Montenegro is not a multilingual country, the main problem is the language barrier. SE would provide digital language learning and employment services for migrants.

Impact: Encouragement of social inclusion of migrants, online language learning and employability according to education and working experience for migrants, increasing potential economic production through “covering” deficit jobs and contributing to the development of human capital through new skills, stronger, more inclusive and culturally diverse community


  1. Very useful platform which deals with big social problem.

  2. Very useful platform which deals with big social problem.

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  • Community development
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • education
  • employment
  • Mobilization