Center for youth education

Center for youth education

Short description:
NGO “Center for Youth Education” is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political youth organization, founded in Podgorica in 2009, with the aim of supporting, affirming and encouraging young people to strengthen activism, volunteerism, mobility and informal education.

As a socially responsible organization, for years we have been implementing projects related to strengthening the capacities of young people, their informal education, developing a culture of youth participation, providing mechanisms for fostering activism, developing youth work as a support in the process of independence, improving interdepartmental cooperation, etc.

We strive to contribute with our ideas and projects to the creation of better conditions for growing up, maturing, living and working for young people in our community. As values we cherish, we can mention teamwork, tolerance, transparency, desire for networking and innovation in work, as well as readiness and openness to new experiences and knowledge.

Youth education

Social Impact:
The Social Impact Award is a competition for the ideas of young people who want to make social change in a constructive way. Our mission is to promote the knowledge and practice of social entrepreneurship among young people in Europe. For us, social entrepreneurship is a creative, entrepreneurial action, focused on any social problem.
The Social Impact Award program was launched in 2009 to support young social workers
entrepreneurs in the early stages of development and implementation of innovative business solutions that deal with key social challenges in 19 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. The program offers to all participants a free series of workshops through which they are provided with support for the development of ideas and the acquisition of new knowledge. The Social Impact Award addresses young social innovators who want to solve social problems or environmental problems in an innovative way by starting projects, initiatives and organizations. Ideas can develop in different areas such as poverty reduction, health, education,
environment, energy, information and communication technologies, human rights, etc.

The mission of the NGO “Center for Youth Education”:

To systematically implement preventive actions in order to act on young people in a timely manner, to inform and educate young people about opportunities related to capacity building and informal education, and to influence the improvement of the status of young people through various project activities.

The vision of the NGO “Center for Youth Education”:

For young people in Montenegro to live healthy, contented and dignified lives in a society where they feel safe and respected members, to be educated, work and form healthy families, which will form the basis of a democratic and civil society in to his country.

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  • Community development
  • Mobilization