
"Environment, Education, Community Development and Mobilization "

Did you know that growing food, eating it and composting it is an inseparable trio? Well, it is, and it’s especially crucial in the context of more urban lifestyles. ‘Kokoza’ social enterprise brings composting and communities together by building awareness and educating society, businesses, and public administration on how to process organic material and how to build and maintain community gardens. Join their ecological ‘movement’ and be a part of the solution towards better managed bio-waste. They also have an e-shop where you can buy home composters and containers of different sorts, seeds, gardening equipment and much more. As a part of the work integration program they also provide jobs to people with mental disabilities.

Products: home composters, bio-waste containers, seeds, gardening equipment, gift cards

Services: consulting, workshop facilitation, building community gardens, an app http://www.mapko.cz

Mission: to raise awareness in the society and build practical knowledge of how to effectively process organic material (composting) in urban household settings and on a community level, to assist businesses, communities, institutions (schools, municipalities etc.) in building and maintaining community composters and gardens

Impact: the enterprise has been actively providing assistance to different community actors in setting up community gardens and community composting sites; is implementing different joint community projects; has developed an app mapping community gardens and composting sites in Czech Republic and Slovakia (over 200 listed); released a practical book for ‘Gardening in the City’ [Pěstujeme ve městě]

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Bubenské nábřeží 306
170 00 Hlavní město Praha CZ
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  • Community development
  • education
  • Environment
  • Mobilization