Educational club Impact Skopje

elderly inclusion, youth education; employability

EC Impact is a social enterprise whose main goal is the work reintegration of the elderly (55+ years) into social life. In order to achieve this general goal, EC Impact will hire older people as a support to the educational process of students from primary and secondary education through the offer of alternative and financially acceptable services.
As an additional value of the services offered by EC Impact, part of the acquired income will be reinvested in providing services that will be educational support for children from socially vulnerable categories (single-parent families, families with low monthly incomes, etc.)

Mission: Integration and social inclusion of vulnerable groups of people (elderly people, unemployed people, people with low incomes, etc.) in social life by enabling work engagement in the educational process of children.


Greater self-confidence of the elderly, better mental health and inclusion
A sense of acceptance in the local community and the ability to contribute to society
Forming and maintaining friendships

The children
Getting quality education and training
Acquisition of positive values ​​and care transmitted by the elderly
Forming and maintaining friendships

The society
Raising awareness to support the elderly in the process of active aging
Raising public awareness of the value of social enterprises
Pilot innovation that will contribute to a sustainable impact in society

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Sv. Kliment Ohridski 24
Skopje 1000 SK MK
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  • elderly inclusion
  • employment
  • equality
  • youth education