“CAMP Education in nature”

education, ecology

“CAMP Education in nature” is a kindergarten whose goal is to bring children closer to nature, through education about it, and to encourage them to live a healthy life from an early age. For now, they mostly work through events like eco actions to clean the forest or plant trees. They also do one-day stays for children from other kindergartens in the CAMP. At the same time, they also organize open and trial days where children and parents could experience how they work.

Mission: to bring children closer to nature, through education about it and to encourage them to live a healthy life from an early age

Impact: – organizing events like eco actions to clean the forest or plant trees – organizing one-day stays of children from other kindergartens at our CAMP

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Никола Карев
Shtip Municipality of Štip MK
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  • ecology
  • education