Nasha tezga

socio-economic market for agricultural products

“Nasha tezga” is a socio-economic platform a platform that enables rural women to market their natural products online. 100 women are members promoting domestic food production from all eight planning regions. On the site you can read their life stories and learn more about the tradition of domestic production.

Mission: – to motivate and encourage rural women to produce natural products, but also to help them sell those products via the online market – to improve the quality of life in the rural areas – contribution to the creation of competitive family farms that contribute to the sustainability of rural areas through education, direct support, as well as influence on local and national policies related to the agriculture and rural development sector

Impact: – action and advocacy for the promotion of gender equality and the economic empowerment of women from rural areas as food producers – contribute to the rural women getting out of the shadow of invisibility and the grey economy – support domestic food production

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  • Agriculture
  • social entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable production