
Diversity and inclusion, Community development and mobilization, Employment

Diversity and inclusion, Community development and mobilization, Employment

Products: Newspaper/ Magazine

Services: / Liceulice is a social enterprise that functions according to the principle of the Liceulice fund program – a street magazine sold by employed sellers – persons from the category of less employable. With the slogan “By buying LICEULICE you help many, by reading LICEULICE you help yourself”, Liceulice really helps the work integration of people with milder forms of disability, as well as those who are economically threatened. Founded by a coalition of non-governmental organizations in 2011, the Liceulice Fund also implements other programs, providing sellers with psychological support, medicines and other things necessary for a normal life. In addition, liceulice has also launched ground-floor newsrooms in Macedonia, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Liceulice also launched the Vreva street festival of activism – the first festival that combines several forms of expression related to public space and activism, the initiative to help the homeless – My neighbor without a roof and many others. Liceulice is a street magazine that is sold in Serbia, and it is also possible to subscribe to receive the magazine in the country and abroad. The editors of Liceulice create and design interesting content about life, social, ecological, cultural and economic issues and rights, about films, about music, about art, about everything that makes up the community in which Liceulice depicts everyday life.

Mission: To contribute to the employment of hard-to-employ people (marginalized and sensitive groups that also include persons with milder forms of disability, economically and socially vulnerable persons).

Impact: Liceulice employs persons from the category of difficult to employ – marginalized and sensitive groups that also include persons with milder forms of disability, economically and socially vulnerable persons. In addition to employment, liceulice also provides its sellers with basic training, psychosocial support, etc. In addition to working with marginalized groups, Liceulice inspires change on the basis of fostering and promoting solidarity, inclusion and equality in a democratic society, and through other programs and activities encourages activism and the development of community unity.

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Svetozara Markovića 42
Beograd 11000 Grad Beograd RS
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  • Community development
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • employment
  • Mobilization