Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány (Institute for Cultural Relations Policy)

Education / Cultural Relations

The ICRP is organising projects (meetings, seminars, trainings) funded by international programmes for education, training and youth. The aim of these project is to support skills development and provide international mobility opportunities for young people. ICRP Projects are implemented in cooperation with the organisation’s affiliates and partners.

Mission: The Community of Institute for Cultural Relations Policy has four organisational levels. ICRP Community consist of ICRP administrative structures (leadership, member of the Board and members of Advisory Board), supporting members and volunteer staff (interns). Since the foundation in 2012, the Institute for Cultural Relations Policy helped in forming a continuously growing community committed to foster scientific research, education and cooperation regarding cultural relations and diplomacy. ICRP administration along with the members of the Advisory Board and staff is responsible for carrying out diverse range of tasks and missions in order to give more visibility to cultural diplomacy as well as our visions.

Impact: Community Development and Mobilization

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  • Community development
  • culture
  • education
  • Mobilization