Járókelő Közhasznú Egyesület

Environment and Community Development

The Járókelő.hu website is the main platform of the Association which serves as a “public space error” reporting site and helps city residents to report potholes, broken garbage cans, fading zebra crossings, broken bus stops, abandoned cars and many other problems they experience in public spaces. The site is operated by the team and volunteers of the Járókelő Közhasznú Egyesület.

Mission: The misson of the Association is to raise awareness and teach the citizens to “not overlook the problem!” They help the citizens to get their complaints or requests to the appropriate person in charge. The key message of the Association is: be part of the solution, you can also do something for your environment!

Impact: Improving the environment and the urban space

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  • Community development
  • culture
  • Eco Friendly
  • ecology
  • Environment