This kind of project is a desirable solution for employment and professional training of persons with developmental disabilities and a certain percentage of the general population (which would contribute to the reduction of general unemployment). Therefore, this is certainly not a form of segregated activity established only for people with developmental difficulties, but a kind of integrated activity that is current and widely supported and accepted everywhere in Europe.

In Herceg-Novi, there is not a single planning project for this kind of professional support for this population in terms of employment. After completing primary and secondary school, these persons are mostly at home, not involved in any activities, while their acquired knowledge and remaining abilities progressively decline.

The model that would be established by the implementation of this project is unique in the country, and therefore attractive in the context of monitoring current topics of integration of persons with developmental disabilities into the social community.

Persons with disabilities have the right to professional rehabilitation and employment, in the manner and under the conditions prescribed by law, collective agreement, confirmed and published international agreements and generally accepted rules of international law.

The mission is to show society, which until now has unfairly neglected the potential of people with developmental disabilities, that they can and want more, i.e. they want their rights to be respected equally for everyone, regardless of the differences that characterize them.

The vision is to make education and social and child protection services more accessible to children and young people with developmental disabilities so that they can achieve their maximum potential and become useful members of the community.

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  • Diversity and inclusion
  • education
  • employment